Field Testing Kit Rental – Making testing easier for Coaches


Coaches who have taken our Field Testing Kit Training can rent our Field Testing Kit to perform physical fitness assessments for their athletes ($50 rental fee, or free for PacificSport registered Coaches). Contact our Athlete & Coach Services Manager to arrange a time to pick up the kit for your next testing session.

The following tests can be performed using the Field Testing Kit, and the equipment in the kit can also be used for other tests:

Test Equipment
Height Square ruler, tape and measuring tapes
Weight Electronic scale
Vertical Jump Jump Mat
20m Sprint Bower Timing Lasers (2 sets available) and cones
Sit and Reach Sit and Reach wooden device
T-test Timing Lasers and cones
Partial Curl Ups Mats, Tape, Metronomes, Counters
Paced Push-Up Mats, Metronomes, Counters
Leger Multi-Stage Shuttle Run (beep test) Stereo, Leger test CD, extension cord, cones

Contact our Athlete & Coach Services Manager to book the kit, or to look into the Field Testing Kit Training.

Are there tests you would like to perform that aren’t listed? Or, would you prefer if someone else administered fitness tests for your athletes? Our Athlete & Coach Services Manager can administer a variety of physical fitness assessments to athletes (individual or team). Contact him to discuss the aspects of fitness you’d like to test, and to schedule a testing session.


Sport Readiness Assessment Services

By using 12 simple tests, the Sport Readiness Assessment allows coaches to identify key movement deficiencies, imbalances and inflexibilities that limit the functionality and adaptability of their athletes. Coaches can then give their athletes specific exercises to perform that will improve deficiencies identified during the assessment. Afterwards, athletes can be retested to determine if the deficiencies have been resolved.

Coaches can take Sport Readiness Assessment Training from PacificSport to learn how to perform the Sport Readiness Assessment for their athletes.

Or, our Athlete & Coach Services Manager can perform the Sport Readiness Assessment for individual athletes or teams.

Click here to learn more about the Sport Readiness Assessment (more info in Athletes section)

FMS Testing Services

The Functional Movement Screen is a standardized assessment tool that identifies key movement deficiencies, imbalances and inflexibilities. Our Athlete & Coach Services Manager is qualified to administer and analyze the FMS, and to offer a program of functional corrective exercises.

Click here to learn more about the FMS, or contact our Sport Performance Coordinator to schedule Functional Movement Screens.